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  • Writer's pictureKim Beall

Fantasy & Science Fiction Review

Image of F&SF Magazine beside a cup of coffee
My F&SF fantasy come true!

A long time ago in a universe far, far away, I sent a copy of my debut novel to one of my favorite authors of all time. I sent it for no reason other than to thank him for inspiring me by writing some of the most enjoyable fiction I'd ever read, and also to thank him for his support. His support had come, many years before, in the form of what is, to date, still the best writing advice I've ever received. That advice, to paraphrase quite heavily, is: "Qwitcherbitchin' and write!"

Imagine my excitement when I received an email this past June from the editor of Fantasy and Science Fiction Magazine (to which I have been subscribed since I was a teenager - and I won't tell you how long that has been!) The email asked me to review, before release, a copy of an overview of Seven Turns this favorite author of mine had written in his "Books to Look For" column for the July/August issue. I've been bursting at the seams ever since, dying to tell you all about it. Now it is finally July, and I can tell you!

The "Books to Look For" section of F&SF Magazine is at

The overview of Seven Turns is the third listing down, right between Philip K. Dick and John R. Little ... seriously, am I allowed to yell "Squeeeeee!" now?

My favorite part is where he refers to some of the spirits Cally encounters in Woodley as "deities." I wouldn't have expected most people to recognize that's what they (some of them!) are, but of course Charles de Lint would know a deity when he sees one!

Naturally I also immediately sent him a copy of Moonlight and Moss. Not sucking up for another review or anything, but I want to see if he recognizes the other deities, because this volume deals much more heavily with the denizens of the faerie side of the meadow gate. (Oh, who am I kidding - he'll not only recognize them, but is probably on first-name terms with some of them.)

Now, if you are one of my fellow writers in the #writingcommunity and you are wondering how to get your inspiration flowing, how to find time to write, wondering if you're just a hack or what, here is the best advice I can pass on to you:

Qwitcherbitchin' and Write!


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