Hurricane Drinking Game Take a sip of whatever you're drinking every time:
you hear the word “flood”
the newscaster says “feeder bands” or “hunker down”
they change the storm's trajectory
you see a satellite image wherein the storm system is larger than the state
a news reporter interviews someone on the beach
the TV shows images of storm surge; drink twice if the surge splashes onto a roof. Every time a Northern relative calls and asks if you're okay, finish your drink and get a new one. One sip for every inch of rain that's recorded each hour. Salute and drink whenever there's an announcement for a shelter that takes pets Drink if there's an announcement for a shelter that's full. Put your drink down if it's the one that took pets. Chug a beer every time the lights flicker. Every time you see a TV correspondent trying to talk into their microphone while nearly being blown over by hurricane-force winds, drink. Drink twice if they actually fall over. Drink three times if you can hear them swear. Whenever the TV shows a traffic jam with thousands of cars heading in the same direction, drink. Drink twice if you see one car heading in the opposite direction. Drink if they show images of traffic signals swinging from a wire in the middle of an intersection. Drink twice if you recognize the intersection. If you hear a tree fall, put your hand over your heart and drink to it. If you can see rain moving sideways, drink – and stop looking out the window. If you can see rain moving sideways and you're looking out a hole in your roof, grab all the booze and move to a safe place in your home. Drink one shot every time a car alarm goes off If it's your car alarm, drink the rest of the bottle and go outside. When the power goes out – finish all the beer before it gets warm. Helpful hint: Make sure you save some of that emergency water for the next day’s hangover.